Thursday, June 28, 2012

Things that every language teacher should have in the classroom

You guys.... it just makes things more fun, easier to pop up games and activities on the spur of the moment, should you be running on with too much time or something!
here's my list that I can think of...
1) a SQUEAKY hammer. young kids LOVE getting hit with a squeaky hammer, and even more, getting the chance to hit each other! you can use it to get their attention with a rhythmic clap, or one loud, "hey!" It's saved my voice many times.

2) beanbags--great for spurring hot potato and toss the bag conversation activities. kids get REALLY interested in having the beanbag. My beanbag is a bunny and it smells like oranges.

3) flyswatters--so many games that can be done with two flyswatters and a handful of flashcards

4) a toy crown--if you play king of the classroom,
you can put a crown on the reigning champ. nothing like getting kids' hackles up to win the crown away from their peers. Alternatively, why not place the crown on the student of the day, they get to be the helper who passes out papers, etc etc...

5) magnets...for when you need to stick stuff places :-)

6) and finally: get yourself some unique rubber stamps. it will be cheaper than constantly buying stickers.
I use my stamps in phonics classes a lot. for each word they read correctly, they get a stamp next to the word. then one stamp on the stamp collection page.
-also, when they are printing, the exceptional printing gets stamps. unexceptional, or too close together, or sloppy--not so much. They start to notice what's wrong and try to correct it when there's an earning incentive.

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